2645: Roller

Personality Description: Roller had somewhat of a troubled start in life, as his mother was a power-hungry manipulator, and his father belonged to a wandering, fearsome pack. He tried to live up to his mother’s expectations as a hatchling, but soon grew tired of trying and failing constantly. He wandered off from her, trying to run as far as he could away, and ended up falling a short way into a pit in the night. When morning finally came, he could see that it wasn’t a pit he’d fallen in, it was a glade. A haven. A picture-esc valley that looked nothing like where his mother had lived. He wandered a while, exploring the new surroundings, when the locals found him. Thankfully, said locals were a pair of passive Cryolophosaurus by the names of Shard and Myrtle. They took him in and raised him, and he was happy there with them. Growing up in their plentiful, though rocky, valley, Roller grew strong and fast, though humble and kind. He’s willing to put in the work to get what he wants, but strives to not steal it from others, instead trying to give fair trades or just make it or find another himself. He is trustworthy and honest, and not afraid to speak up for and fight for what he believes in and cares about.

Physical Description:
shaped like his name-sake, the Racket-tailed Roller, overall. He is strong and well-built for high speed chase over rough and uneven terrain. He keeps his wings/arms tucked up very close to his body unless actively using them, which makes him look a bit more round. His tail makes up easily half or more of his total length and it is usually held out straight behind him. His tail fan is sleek and pointed, with long feathers that sweep into a tight point, except the two outer-most ones, which stick out a little from the fan, and are mostly for display but also help in taking tighter turns.


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