2707: Safi

Owned by Cuurse

Personality Description:

Safi is always curious about the buildings and trinkets left behind by the humans, and checks them out every opportunity she gets. She finds them fascinating and beautiful. She would probably try to temper with all the machinery and weird shiny things more if she had opposable thumbs. She knows a lot about the environment and can read it very well, like knowing if it's going to get colder by reading the clouds. She gets lost easily and relies on smells to know where she is, which makes rainy weather a nightmare. Prefers to stay in places she knows.

Safi is a very patient and focused cryo. She will stalk her prey tirelessly, carefully observing the animal and scanning it for weaknesses. She's not very powerful, so she's had to master the art of using her environment to her advantage. She's very nimble on her feet, which lets her herd and/or follow the prey into areas it doesn't do as well in, letting it tire out before taking its life. If there's a chase, she may bite chunks out of the animal, like a hyena. She targets lonely animals, only engaging herds if she's desperate or happens to team up with another cryo.

Physical Description: Compact, precise and silent on her feet, well-balanced.

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