2752: Chionodoxa

Personality Description: Chionodoxa is a lovely, gentle suchomimus. He’s a gentleman, very kind, and lightly protective of those he loves. He is incredibly hardy in every way, though not extremely muscular or robust. He is fairly stubborn, and doesn’t easily give up. He will always put in 120% and is very tenacious and persistent with a strong moral compass. He would never eat another dinosaur, even if he was starving, with the only exception being that he does not know a carcass was once a dinosaur. He prefers fish and the occasional marine mammal, though he doesn’t go out of his way to hunt the latter.

Physical Description: a fairly average suchomimus, though incredibly long. His feathers are very dense, each being somewhat longer than it is thick with rounded tips, living up to the flower he’s named after. Said feathers are plush and interlocking, having an almost velvety feel when preened.
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