2883: Maui

Owned by SnootSnooter

Beach Bum | Laid Back | Mellow | Friendly & Social | Self Reassured | Easygoing | Kindhearted | Endlessly Patient

A mellow, easy going, and kindhearted beach bum. Maui is far more than content to spend his days slowly plodding along the beaches of Isla Keta, or napping in the perfect spot as the lapping of the waves lulls him into the perfect slumber. He's had a somewhat rough upbringing, but he doesn't let that harsh his mellow. Maui does his best to be as friendly and patient with others he possibly can, herbivore or carnivore, honestly believing there's far too much negativity in the world as is to waste energy on being another sour drop in the bucket. Though it's not to say some don't take this as a challenge, trying anything in their power to get up under his skin... Doesn't ever work very well as their attempts seem to roll right off his shoulders.

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