Status: Irradiation: Acute
2895: Kamui

Owned by Mechanic-Drone

Personality Description: Wise and kind is the best way to describe Kamui. He has seen things throughout his life, and shares his life journey with those willing to listen. Caring for those around him he does his best to avoid becoming dependent, still clinging to the little independence he has left in his growing age. Having a soft spot for young ones, Kamui gets a lot of joy telling them tall tales from his past and adventures he has undergone, though no one is quite sure how accurate these wild stories. Doing what he can for others he tends to be passive, though if put into a bad situation he is surprisingly quick on his feet and his mind is sharp as ever, seemingly able to get him out of any situation. Those who give him company usually walk away with life advice be it good or bad, his heart is in the right place. 

Physical Description: Being in his older years of life Kamui appears rather elderly. Though not underweight his eyes are more sunken in and his skin around his neck droops a bit more then an average tropeoganthus. Though taller than an average tropeo he is by no means a giant.

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