3002: Crash

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Kela
Biome: Morpheus labs, urban, forest, grasslands, riparian
Diet: Reptiles, eggs, insects, birds, small-medium mammals
Faction: Honey Bunch
Mate: N/A

Weight: Average
Height: Below average
Length: Average

A gangly, awkward thing. His feathers are incredibly soft and plush, keeping him warm in the winter and cool in the summer. His feather coat is, unfortunately, often full of twigs, leaves, dust, and other small debris after a long day of carefree living, and takes quite some time to clean out.

Notable Traits: Crash is quite unremarkable - he's average, average, average. The only oddity is that he's larger than someone his "age" should be.


Chaotic smooth-talker. He's absolutely here for a good time and loves to spend time roughhousing with other honey-siblings and collapsing into a fluffy pile at the end of the day. Roughhousing is about the extent of his desire for violence; he's a lover, not a fighter. He very much enjoys teasing others and sometimes pushes his luck, attempting then to get out of trouble by talking his way out. If that doesn't work, there's always another option - running like hell to avoid the consequences of his [and his siblings'] actions. He'd never leave them behind, of course - his bond with his siblings and his guardian is incredibly strong. Mentally, he is the same age as his smaller siblings, which can lead to some confusion due to the contrast between his actions and his size.
History & Relations
Crash woke up. He didn't hatch, he woke up, which some might find strange. He never thought it was strange, because when he woke up, so did many of his siblings. They all came out of these tubes, sticky and wet and suddenly conscious. He was a bit larger than the others. Maybe more than a bit. Not that anyone minded, or noticed. They all had names. SunnySundaleHalfdanBunMunch. He was simply Crash. They were all the same, more or less, and he knew that they were his family. They stuck together, wandering through the strange caves and seeing others that hadn't yet woken up.
When their exploration took them beyond the strange caves, they were found by someone who looked not unlike Halfdan and Bun, and yet, entirely different from them. It was strange. But Oswald - Duck - was kind. He took them in and taught them about the world, and it was so much bigger than Crash had expected. There was so much to see. And so many ways to get into trouble.
Crash quickly found himself figuring out how to get out of the very same trouble that he and some of his siblings often got into. Wise-cracks didn't always help, as it turned out, and not everyone was so kind and considerate as Duck was about their exploits.
Even though they had moved on from the strange caves that they had woken up in, their family grew over time. Brioche looked a lot like them, so the only obvious explanation was that she belonged with them; it was as simple as that.
Crash enjoys spending his days with his family. Days of playing, teasing, joking, running, and at the end of the day, spending the night in a pile with his family. There is really little else that he could ask for.

Fun Facts:

  • Crash is an exceptionally good swimmer, and is even a capable diver, though it takes a while for his feathers to fully dry out afterwards
  • Doesn't quite understand the difference between cryos and suchos
  • He does not like it if you bully bees
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