3055: Viola ♂

Owned by HannahBug

Visible dimorph version!

Nickname(s): Vee, Vivi (or Veevee), Ola

Weight: Deceptivley light (but don't get him wrong - he's still a big beast!)
Height: Average
Length: Somewhat long overall

Personality Description: Vee is a sweet little puppy, but the shy kind of puppy that's stand-offish to strangers and takes a long time to warm up to you. He'll offer the unknown an apologetic smile while also pretending to be mute so that he doesn't have to answer anything he doesn't want to (which is most things). He's decently moral, but won't agonize over it. He is an obligate carnivore, after all...! He's very cuddly and affectionate to anyone who manages to get past his barriers. Maybe a bit too much...? He can also be quite clingy and is quick to develop separation anxiety. This can drive people off and he knows it. Thus, he's quite paranoid about forming close relationships. It's a struggle, but he'll try to push those getting a little too comfy away. But of course this makes him so lonely...! And thus the serpent consumes its own tail

Physical Description: His eyebrow ridges are somewhat high and arced in such a way that give him the look of constant, woeful imploring. His eyes are big and soulful, which adds to the effect. His body overall is long for an Anteo - resembling a komodo dragon in the vaguest sense

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