3208: Kemp

Quick Info:

Name: Kemp

Nickname(s): N/A atm

Heart Name(s): 

Sex/Gender: DMAB/male

ID: 3208

Owner: Wildspirit-studios 

Dinosaur Species: Pachycephalosaurus

Age Stage: hatchling

Level: 1

Weight: a bit round

Height: average, if perhaps a little short

Length: a little under average

Breeding Slots: 4

Breeding Base: rgb(112,97,67)


Personality Description: Honestly this guy is mostly fluff. He’s nice, and friendly, but mostly fluff. He’s not incredibly dumb, but he is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Physical Description: Round and fluffy. Almost a sheep, but with more overall chonk. Just a friendly, round floof of a lil guy.



Detailed Info:


Physical Build Inspiration: (not yet decided)/sheep

Personal Reference: (not yet done)



History: WIP





Lore Siblings: 

Lore Mate: 

Lore Children: 

Other Important Dinos: 




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