3209: Ewe

Quick Info:

Name: Ewe

Nickname(s): N/A atm

Heart Name(s): 

Sex/Gender: DFAB/female

ID: 3209

Owner: Wildspirit-studios 

Dinosaur Species: Pachycephalosaurus 

Age Stage: hatchling

Level: 1

Weight: average, if perhaps a little chunky

Height: just a bit below average

Length: average

Breeding Slots: 4

Breeding Base: rgb(188,174,175)


Personality Description: Generally sweet and kind, Ewe is rather sheep-like in more than just her name. The instinct to stick with the flock is very strong, as well as the instinct to flee rather than fight. She’d prefer to not get into any altercations and can tend to be a bit of a people-pleaser and a doormat, but she usually means well. She’s a decent peace-keeper, but she knows when to back down and when things are too heated for words to calm them.


Physical Description: Fluffy and round, built like a sheep. Her ‘crown’ (spikes around her dome) are pretty small and dull, and her dome never did quite harden and round out like some of the stronger pachies, but it doesn’t seem to slow her down any.



Detailed Info:


Physical Build Inspiration: Sheep

Personal Reference: (not yet done)



History: WIP





Lore Siblings: 

Lore Mate: 

Lore Children: 

Other Important Dinos: 




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