3216: Pingvin

Quick Info:

Name: Pingvin

Nickname(s): (N/A)

Heart Name(s): 

Sex/Gender: DFAB/female

ID: 3216

Owner: Wildspirit-studios 

Dinosaur Species: Anteosaurus

Age Stage: hatchling

Level: 1

Weight: average, a little heavy with ‘blubber’ and muscle

Height: rather tall, but mostly in upper limbs and body, ‘shown’ legs seem pretty short 

Length: average, a little short

Breeding Slots: 4

Breeding Base: rgb(179,179,179)


Personality Description: Somewhat rough and harsh, though also laidback, Pingvin can come off as grumpy and hostile at first. To those close to her and to little ones, however, she can be rather playful and sarcastic. 


Physical Description: strong and well insulated from the weather in the colder parts of the island where she lives. She looks round and unmaneuverable, like an easy meal, but she knows the terrain well and has a few tricks up her figurative sleeve to help with that. She isn’t super fast on her own legs, but gets around that by sliding, and most surprisingly… swimming. She’s actually quite good of a swimmer, even able to nab fish and stay under for a minute or two at a time. She’s no aquatic dino, but she has adapted well. Her feathers interlock to trap in warmth and air, helping her swim and stay warm. Because of this, though, at a distance (especially when wet) she looks bald, but it’s just because of how smoothly her feathers lay, interlocked. 



Detailed Info:


Physical Build Inspiration: penguins, Gentoo and African in particular 

Personal Reference: (not yet done)



History:          WIP





Lore Siblings: 

Lore Mate: 

Lore Children: 

Other Important Dinos: 




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