3218: Aufeis

Quick Info:

Name: Aufeis

Nickname(s): N/A atm

Heart Name(s): 

Sex/Gender: DMAB/Male

ID: 3218

Owner: Wildspirit-studios 

Dinosaur Species: Cryolophosaurus 

Age Stage: hatchling

Level: 1

Weight: average

Height: very tall (proportionate)

Length: long 

Breeding Slots: 4

Breeding Base: 


Personality Description: A true creature of the polar regions, Aufeis is a smooth, silent hunter. He stalks the coldest parts of the islands most of the year, only appearing elsewhere when the seasons make it more his world. He is near silent and makes very little tracks in the snow. He isn’t particularly friendly, but prefers to avoid conflict when he can, as he doesn’t want some crazed individual having any kind of vendetta against him. He kills because he has to, not because he wants to. He is not greedy, though he will not give up his kills and will certainly keep himself well fed. He prefers to roam alone, blending with the snow and the ice and keeping away from all the noisiness that other dinos bring. He’s not one to take in foundlings, especially not herbivores, but he is not without morals or irresponsible. If a child has been made orphan by the forces of nature within his domain he will direct them (sometimes not so kindly) back towards where they’re meant to be. However, if they have been made orphan by his actions or have been completely abandoned, he will take them under his wing long enough for them to start to get a foothold, then send them (a little more politely) on their way to where they are meant to be. Just as Hiillos disappears into the shadows of the woods, Aufeis entirely vanishes into the frozen landscape he calls home. The only exception to any of this is his mate, Blight. A creature of solitude, silence, and the cold, the two are formidable apart, but nigh unbeatable together in their element. It’s rare for either Cryolophosaurus to ever utter a word, or even make a sound. They speak with each other mainly through body language, though it is rumored that they each have a call for the other, and if it comes to that, whoever has grievously injured one should be terrified of the other coming for them, because they are coming. They may already be here.

Physical Description: A muscular, well-built cryo, with sleek, well-kept feathers that interlock to keep out even the harshest wind and snow. He easily blends in to the landscape of his home, especially in a blizzard.



Detailed Info:


Physical Build Inspiration: Southern Fulmar

Personal Reference: (not yet made)



History: WIP





Lore Siblings: 

Lore Mate: Blight

Lore Children: 

Other Important Dinos: 




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