3227: Gwyar/Ichor - The One Forever Stained

Quick Info:

Name: Gwyar

Nickname(s): Ichor, The One Forever Stained

Heart Name(s): Blood-Spatter-Teeth-Claw

Sex/Gender: DMAB/male

ID: 3227

Owner: Wildspirit-studios 

Dinosaur Species: Utahraptor 

Age Stage: hatchling

Level: 1

Weight: seriously muscular, but not super heavy 

Height: HUGE

Length: proportionate to height

Breeding Slots: 4

Breeding Base: rgb(139,110,77)


Personality Description: Not the brightest, but cunning enough. Ruthless to all, save his mate and those in his pack, he takes joy in the kill. Especially that of other dinosaurs. Harsh, aggressive, and borderline insane, Gwyar is not one to be kind to anyone- with the small exception of his pack mates. The only real love he’s ever shown anyone (other than loving the feel of their blood soaking his feathers) is his mate, Athena, who keeps him in check to a degree. He is snappy and can be terrifyingly eloquent or manipulative when needed. He usually has no care for words, but knows they have their use, and wields them like his other natural weapons. Rip and Tear, Blood and Glory, Death to all opponents.


Physical Description: Overall enormous and hulking with muscle, though not overburdened or weighed down by them. He has huge jaws, and plenty of teeth to fill them. He sharpens his claws on rocks to ensure they tear through anything that so much as brushes against them. While he usually doesn’t preen his feathers, his mate Athena does, so most of the time he looks at least somewhat decent, though right after a kill or while he’s out prowling the territory, he can get quite scraggly and unkempt. There are rumors that he was once all pink and white, like can be seen on his back, but he has spent so long bloodied that he is forever stained with his ‘splatters of victory.’



Detailed Info:


Physical Build Inspiration: Eleanor’s Falcon

Personal Reference: (not yet done)



History: WIP





Lore Siblings: 

Lore Mate: Athena 3215

Lore Children: 

Other Important Dinos: 




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