3351: Caspian

Owned by JaytheMoonChild

Nickname: Cass


Island: Migrates


Diet:  Flowers, Nuts, Tall Grasses, Bark, Leaves, Fruits, and Roots

Pack: N/A

Mate: N/A


Weight: Slender

Height: Abover Average

Length: Long


[Physical description - italics]


Notable Traits: [italics]


An exciteable boy that enjoys traveling between the Isles, usually very open and welcoming. Doesn't speak often but when he's very softspoken and could be misheard or even ignored on accident, which causes his older brother to bring attention to him. Doesn't feel comfortable when having unwanted attention and will run to hide behind his larger brother. Loves to take care off young dinosaurs especially adolescents he just likes to pass on knowledge and prepare young ones for the nightmares outside of their protective herds.
Whenever he falls in love he's a anxious bundle, trying his best to flirt though his attempts would normally fall flat or make him cute. Will run to them when getting unwanted attention or advances, he'll also flatter their love without prompt usually doing it when least expected. Similar to his brother he'd feel confident enough to leave them with his brother with little to no worries. Would speak louder and clearer to them while also not hesitating to comfort or defend their decisions when doubt creeps in.

History & Relations

Ray - Older Brother - Hatches a full week before him, loves him dearly would choose him over everyone in a heartbeat

Scallop - Mother Figure - Loves him to bits, not sure what happened but lost them in a hurricane

Thatch - "Father Figure" - Doesn't feel much for him, pretends he doesn't know him if spotted

Ashwalkers - Allied Herd - Feels protective over them, only sees them during the winter months when on Isla Pera



Fun Facts:

  • Tends to do happy dances when excited
  • May seem cowardly but is strategic about it
  • Will adopted any Hatchies, Juvies, or Adolescents
  • Is often times annoyed by his older brothers protectiveness