3364: Triumph

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Kela, Pera
Biome: Coastal, corals, kelp forest, ocean, depths, riparian
Diet: Fish, squid & octopi, birds
Faction: N/A
Mate: Casper

Weight: Average
Height: Average
Length: Average

Exceptionally average in terms of size, but Triumph still manages to stand out in a crowd with exceptionally vibrant colours and patterns. His feathers are smooth and sleek, textured not unlike seal fur. It fluffs up when dry, giving him a more downy appearance.

Notable Traits: Triumph's feather coat is dense, helping keep him warm in cooler waters and preventing him from dehydrating very quickly whenever he visits the beach.


Triumph is vibrant - in colour and in personality. Carefree, jovial, friendly, and adventurous, Triumph's days and nights are full of life and wonder. He sees beauty in everything, delighted by everyone that crosses his path. He's never argumentative - there's too many good things in the world to be angry for any length of time. He has a very "go with the flow" ideology. If he disagrees with something, he simply shrugs and lets things play out as they will, or he moves on. Confrontation is something he's not big on, either. He'd much rather just swim away than to deal with an ugly situation - he's a lover, not a fighter.
History & Relations
When he was little, Triumph was part of a pod of other aristos. He had not one, but several other aristos to keep an eye out for him. His days were filled with joy and fun and learning. How to swim, when and where to hide should he need, how to breach, the best places to find some scrumptious food. As he grew older, he found himself wanting to explore places that his pod simply wouldn't go. He wanted to inland, he wanted to go into deeper water, he wanted to get lost in a kelp forest so that he could find his way out again. These places were supposed to be dangers, apparently, but he had never seen them as such. It would probably get him in trouble, one day, but he didn't see the risk. He was a good swimmer, and he wanted to see more of what the ocean - and the land - had to offer. He wanted to meet other dinosaurs than the aristos that were in his pod.
So, when he was old enough, he struck out on his own. Much to his delight, he was right! There was so much more to the ocean and the more shallow seas than what he had experienced. Other dinosaurs - ones that lived on land, ones that swam through the sky like fish in the water, ones that could swim and walk on the land. There were suddenly so many more opportunities and places to see than he had ever anticipated. It was overwhelming - in the best way.
Triumph spends most of his days exploring around what he now knows as Isla Kela, though from time to time he makes his way to and around the more distant Isla Pera. With all the friends that he's made, he still most loves spending time with Wolf, his best friend, playing and, indeed, thriving without a care in the world.

Fun Facts:

  • Though it's far out of his way, from time to time Triumph likes to wander up the rivers on both islands to see what's going on further inland
  • Triumph may occasionally crawl out onto land. It takes a lot of energy and he risks drying out, but sometimes the only way to get a closer look at something is by...getting closer!
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