3370: Dullahan

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Kela
Biome: Forest, urban, coastal, meadows
Diet: Medium-small mammals, birds, eggs, fish
Faction: N/A
Mate: N/A

Weight: Slim
Height: Small
Length: Long

Smaller in height and build than most utahraptors, but makes up for it with a long tail. He's a natural sprinter, running very quickly for short lengths of time before needing to pause and catch his breath.

Notable Traits: Rows of spikes run along the back of his neck, shoulders, back, and near the tip of his tail. They are relatively short, and their points are more of a blunted shape. He is marked by several scars, most notably deep lacerations on his right thigh and calf, as well as a wound on the left side of his head.


Reserved and quiet. Dullahan prefers to avoid confrontation and is, entirely honestly, a bit of a pushover. He is softspoken, kindhearted, and likes to make himself helpful - even if that's just making himself scarce and keeping out from underfoot. He's wary of newcomers, preferring to size them up from afar before he quietly introduces himself. Most days it seems that he really prefers to keep to himself, or the company of a very select few if he's looking for companionship. He doesn't like expressing his problems and would rather deal with them himself so that he can avoid feeling any more like a burden than he already has been.
History & Relations

Though he doesn't remember it, Dullahan hatched on Isla Pera, one of two eggs from a solitary nest. He and his sister, Callahan, were adopted by the first raptor that they came across - mostly due to Callahan's insistence and not leaving her alone. Layla wasn't really the best of parents, but she made sure that the two didn't starve, at the very least.

Layla, being an independent sort, often left the two hatchlings alone while she set off on her own from time to time. She'd always come back, of course, but in the meantime, the twins were often left to their own devices. They found one another to be enough company, never wanting for much more.

As the twins grew more and more independent, they strayed from Layla's care. Dullahan had all the company he could ever ask for with his sister by his side, and Layla more often than not seemed less than interested in their care - particularly as they grew more capable of taking care of themselves. They struck out on their own as a capable young duo.

When the tapajaras Libre and Largo blew up the dam, however, Dullahan's world was suddenly upside-down. He was standing in the wrong place when the dam gave way, and before he could escape, he was washed away.

The water was turblent, and dark, and then...well, he doesn't remember. His memories start when he woke up on the shores of Isla Kela. Dehydrated, battered, bruised, disoriented, and alone.


Fun Facts:

  • Dullahan prefers to hunt by ambush, and is incredibly adept at using the terrain to his benefit
  • Not very strong, Dullahan prefers to run away or climb trees to escape conflict, but will fight if pushed
  • From time to time, Dullahan has dreams of the smoking mountain distantly visible from the northwestern cliffs of Isla KelaHe wonders sometimes why he'd dream of a place he's never been
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