3381: Petrichor

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Pera
Biome: Coastal, forest, ashlands
Diet: Small to large mammals, eggs, reptiles, birds
Faction: N/A
Mate: Callahan

Weight: Average
Height: Tall
Length: Longer than average

Her hide is smooth and without blemish, which she swears is the product of frequent bathing in sand and saltwater. She often wears a very neutral, relaxed expression.

Notable Traits: Long legs give her a longer than average stride, giving her a very purposeful, methodical gait when walking.


Cool, suave, and totally unimpressed. It takes a lot to ruffle Petrichor's, uh...feathers. She seems constantly amused by others' actions and often has a light teasing tone to her voice when addressing others, like she knows something that they don't. Even when faced with an aggressor, she remains calm and bemused by the aggressor's actions. She'd rather climb a tree or run than to actually fight, often trying to talk the would-be assailant down with her smooth words before making off.
History & Relations
It's no secret that Petrichor's family has some interesting dynamics and history, but it is one that she's distanced herself from - both physically and metaphorically.
When she was very small, she lived with her grandmother, Glass, and her clan of offspring and grandchildren. Petrichor learned quite a bit about self-sufficiency and survival simply by observing Glass. She squabbled often with the other hatchlings and juveniles in the clan, growing into a formidable fighter even when she was still quite young. She became less interested in fighting when she realised that she wasn't growing up to be as physically strong as others. She also realised that she was fast - and could get away from a fight just as easily as she could start one. Petrichor took great glee in winding others up and antagonsing them, baiting her into chasing her so that she could run away.
Petrichor soon grew restless, though, growing tired of Glass' determination to control her clan - particularly when she heard that there was a whole new island to explore.
She struck out on her own, sneaking away from the only family that she had ever known to join in this "discovery." She joined many others in their migration to this "Isla Pera," traveling through the subterranean and subaquatic tunnels and marveling at things that she had never imagined dreaming of. It was fascinating.
A whole new opportunity opened up on Isla Pera. A new life, a new place to live, even more new faces to meet. And it wasn't long after she set foot on the island that she did find someone new - someone very interesting, indeed. Callahan was wild and uncontrolled and Petrichor would even go as far as to say "unrefined." She was entertaining, if nothing else. Petrichor was even more amused to learn that Callahan was a tree-jumper, like her; something that she learned quite on accident when Callahan gave chase and wound up in the same tree as her.
Petrichor elected to keep Callahan company - as much as she could without getting on the much smaller utah's nerves too terribly much. She didn't want to be chased off again when she was having so much fun simply being in Callahan's presence.

Fun Facts:

  • Is an incredibly tree-climber, mostly due to the fact that she can jump tremendous heights even from a standing position
  • Can produce a snake-like hiss and will do so if upset - or to catch someone's attention, or to cause a diversion, or to catch someone off-guard, or-
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