3390: Tréigthe

Owned by WrenBaile

Heartname(hatchling to young adult): I am lost-left-behind, and i greet you with the song of the First Chorus

Heartname(later adulthood): From the nest of soft-silent-swift-sharp and north-cold-chorus-breath, from the wings of sand-swept-skin, i am found-not-forgotton, and i greet you with the song of the First Chorus

Personality and Life: Treigthe is a bold and brash sharpclaw who doesn't take no from anyone. abandoned at a young age by her father, who was unprepared for parenthood, she and her siblings were taken in by her other parent's frankly insane flock, where she eventually met her distant cousin, Dorcha, who took care of her. In adulthood she accidentally met Boreas again by happenstance, and discovers that he is living with Felidae and their children, and after a while of reconciling his abandonment of her with his treatment of his current family, she decides to slowly integrate herself with them, and by middle age she is living with them full time, with dorcha dropping in part time. Boreas spends a lot of time making it up to her.

Physical Description: Hefty. inherrited her fathers bulk and body type, just not his covering, and certainly not his personality.

Animal Inspiration: blue roan/tobaino horse

 little lore comic :> boreas_comic.png?ex=663b7436&is=663a22b6&hm=90a22a89e63dda440ce1760a373f3eb23c6e608cf07163a4a974cec432ab16aa&

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