3414: June

Owned by BendustKas

Nickname: Finch

Island: Kela
Biome: Coastal, Urban, Forest, Highlands
Diet: Medium-large mammals, fish, eggs, shellfish, mollusks
Faction: Boneyard
Mate: Flycatcher

Weight: Average
Height: Average
Length: Shorter than average

June's feathers are dense and smooth, very well maintained with a soft sheen in bright light. She's well built, leaning on the muscular side, but generally quite proportional to an average cryo, aside from a shorter tail. Her feather crest is usually down in a "relaxed" position.

Notable Traits: Though average in shape, her colours are anything but. June's bright, vibrant plumage makes her stand out from a crowd.


June is a very down-to-earth kind of dinosaur. There aren't many things that seem to ruffle her feathers - she simply shrugs it off and moves on, appearing to be rather unbothered. She has a mate she adores and a place to rest, and that's enough for her. She doesn't particularly like to call attention to herself, but nor does she shy away from the spotlight should it ever turn to her. She's warm and friendly and will only very rarely turn down peaceful conversation or company. Her calm demeanour gives a very homely air, and she's more than glad to give someone a little hug if they need a bit of a pick-me-up.
History & Relations
June doesn't remember much of her childhood, though the events have shaped her actions and decisions in her adulthood more than she realises. She began life in the swamplands with her mother Quagmire. She wasn't the best mother, but she tried. June was a quiet hatchling and rarely did other than as she was told. When she was old enough to be left alone for a little while, June occupied herself with exploring the patch of swampland that she had become quite familiar with. It got boring rapidly, and she decided to explore beyond her home. Too late, she realised she was lost. She couldn't find her way back. The more she tried, the more lost she became - until she bumped into a friendly face. A suchomimus, who looked rather like a duck.
June clung to the stranger - who was actually called Duck (or Oswald but she much preferred Duck, because that was what he looked like) - as though he were a lifeline. He seemed content to watch her until her mother came to claim her, but Quagmire never surfaced from the swamplands, and so June stayed with him. Her family got a little bigger when Duck introduced her to another dinosaur that he had adopted - a larger suchomimus named Osa. She was beyond the age of needing to be cared for, but helped Duck from time to time and enjoyed his visits. June came to enjoy these visits as well, though being around the swamplands for too long made her nervous for reasons that she slowly forgot.
When she was old enough, June wandered for a while. It was a little stressful; the last time that she had wandered, she was left without her mother. She wanted to make sure that she could find her way back, so wherever she paused, she left behind a sculpture of some kind to leave her mark on the area. Carved tree trunks, twisted saplings, carefully arranged rocks and branches, stacks of materials that leaned upon each other just right. Something beautiful.
It wasn't terribly long into her travels that another cryo caught up with her, delighted by her sculptures. Flycatcher was her name - or Skip, as she was also known. Also Skipper. She had quite a few names. Flycatcher was so excited to have finally found the sculptor, having found one of her pieces earlier on and following a trail of artwork across the island to finally meet her. Flycatcher was elated, and even moreso when June offered for them to spend some time together. Her days were less quiet with Flycatcher around, for sure, but all the more interesting for her company. Truthfully, it was much more enjoyable to travel with company.
The two were quite closely bonded by the time they came upon the place that would be later known as the "Boneyard." They were in the area when a small group of cryos decided to claim it as their territory and, their interests piqued. Deciding that Towhee wasn't the worst dino to be around, the elected to stay for a time and test it out. Neither June nor Flycatcher particularly minded being on their own, but admittedly, more company was also nice. It was nice to have others to regularly chat with, and having somewhere permanent that they could rest safe and dry, and have a relatively steady supply of food.
They couldn't stay without pulling their own weight, of course. June found herself around the heart of the Boneyard most days, cleaning up the space and keeping a watchful eye out for danger and on the smaller cryos that were around the place, as well as occasionally spending time working on a new sculpture around the territory. She found that she quite enjoyed the company that the pack offered, and has settled in well to this sort of communal life. When the day is over, she knows that she can retire somewhere quiet and safe with the cryo that she most loves spending time with.

Fun Facts:

  • She is adept at cracking and opening the shells of various mollusks found around the coast, her claws quite nimble
  • Agile claws are also very good at building things - she greatly enjoys sculpting in her spare time, whether carving away at wood or stacking things together to make something new
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing