3696: Bandit

Owned by Rianna-Drawer

 Bandit is by far the most popular male parasaur in his heard .His tall ,demeaning stature and dark smoky coat putting any other males to shame .He's the main bull of the heard ,winning his way to the top and de-throning the former leader in battle .He was born into a small nomadic family of parasaurs ,being one of the only babies to tend to, seeing as the herd was basically just his close relatives .He was pampered and taken care of very well, nourishing him into a healthy juvenile ,only for his life to take a turn for the worse .On a rainy day his family was ambushed by a collective of carnos , and with them being umprepared and on unknown teritory they didnt have where to hide . Bandit was lead by his mother to the nearest sight of bushes around , the other parasaurs distracting the attackers, tucking the still very young Bandit in a cluttered bush before fleeing . Bandit stood still for what seemed like days , the rain masking his scent from any predators ,he knew it'd be a while before he was safe. As more and more time passed he started to feel the starvation and panic set in ,feeling more and more inclined to leave the safety of his bush , but life finally started to bloom once more as he heard his mothers distant calls for him .He stood up on weak legs ,escaping his leafy prison and calling back to his mother .At last they were both reunited ,and although weakened and injured his mother tried soothing the youngling with her crest.They started seeking out a new herd, one bigger and safer for the both of them. By the time they found a welcome home for the both of them Bandit was on the edge of young adulthood, now standing taller then even his own mother.But the initiation into said new herd wasn't such an easy task for Bandit.He was seen as a possible threat to the bull parasaur of the herd , and had to make a choice ; fight his way into the high ranks , or leave .He was sick of being shunned away and facing danger at any corner, so he took the challenge head on,a hard task for an otherwise unexsperienced fighter , and yet, he came out on top .Since then he's lived a peaceful life ,but who knowns, maybe one day his pride and ego might plummit if deafeated by other young courageous parasaurs .

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