Status: Irradiation: Acute
3894: Zenith

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Pera, Kela
Biome: Various
Diet: Other dinosaurs, medium-large mammals, birds, reptiles, eggs
Faction: N/A
Mate: N/A

Weight: Average
Height: Above average
Length: Average

A little taller than average, but proportional to their size in terms of height and weight.  His crest has a deep split in the middle, but not altogether separate.

Notable Traits: Largely expressionless. He has a dark, steady gaze that's almost impossible to read for all but a select few.


Zenith's likes, dislikes, and preferences of any kind are largely unknown. They don't speak, nor do they really vocalise at all, so it's hard to know exactly what's on their mind. They appear largely indifferent about their surroundings, leaving action to be taken by someone else unless the situation demands it. They don't appear to particularly enjoy being dirty, and have a rather pristine appearance.
History & Relations
Little is known about how Zenith came to be, but those that know of them speculate that he came from the Morpheus labs. He strangely doesn't reflect his age, if this is truly the case.
Most nowadays know of him as Shrill and Ebony's guardian, if they've had the misfortune of knowing either of them at all. They wander with the younger cryos that they've "adopted," acting s their guardian, and they in turn act as his interpreters. What he's "saying" to someone, what he wants, what he doesn't want, what he thinks. He's made no indication thusfar to suggest that they've ever interpreted him wrongly.
They are also his merciless, deadly weapons, should the situation arise. They are never given an order, but if someone has done something to slight Zenith, it will be their last mistake, and they'll never see the end coming until it's too late.
It was Zenith that found Abel. They heard a voice coming up from the earth, murmuring what seemed to be prayers to the sky that one day they would be free and the strength and power he would hold once they got out. Intrigued, Zenith settled down to listen to what the voice promised. When the time came, they spoke quietly, giving Abel company and telling him of what things waited for him on the outside. He told him of the islands, what prey waited on the outside, what the sun felt like when there was no glass to filter the light. They told Abel of a great many things, and promised to give him aid when he was freed, in exchange for protection.

Abel found this to be agreeable.

When the islands shook and tremors split the earth, something changed. The doors opened, and Abel was waiting. True to their word, Zenith would give him aid, presenting first a fresh kill for him to feast on. The islands were changing, and they would not be left without someone strong to stand behind.

Fun Facts:

  • They can speak, but there are very, very few alive that have ever heard them. It's said that they have a whispery, papery voice, but no one is really certain if that's the truth
  • They move at a very deliberate pace, and never seem to be in any great hurry - it's extremely rare to see them going any faster than a quick walk.
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