3941: Abel

Owned by BendustKas

Island: Pera, Kela
Biome: Any
Diet: Other dinosaurs, medium-large mammals, reptiles
Faction: N/A
Mate: N/A

Weight: Above average, muscular
Height: Average
Length: Average

A rather ragged-looking alberto. His feathers refuse to lay flat over his body, but swoop rather cleanly back from his head. When he first greets the sky, he's underweight, but rapidly gains weight and muscle mass thanks to the help of those that serve him.

Notable Traits: A piercing gaze and intimidating posture, has an air of authority that suggests he does not tolerate opposition.


Confident, self-assured, and tenacious. There isn't a thing on this world that Abel can't have if he wants it, and nothing strong enough to stand in his way. He's not stupid - he knows when he is physically outmatched, but he's resourceful, and knows that he has "friends" that he can call on, should he need aid. Abel speaks with quiet authority and can be vicious if ever he is met by someone that means to stand in his way.
History & Relations
Hatching into a world where the only sunlight he ever saw was through reflections and the furthest away windows was an awful start, but it was the start that he and his brother had been given. The moment he took his first breath, it was a challenge to survive. Food was scarce, both for the young and the old, and that meant that their meals were meager and measley whenever they managed to catch something - making sure, of course, that they weren't caught, first. Squabbling over meals often meant that he went hungry when someone else noticed their "kill" and they had to flee. Young albertos were not off the menu for a hungry adult, or even another juvenile.
This way of living was hell. As Abel grew, he came to despise lurking in the shadows, having to scarf down his meal before someone else stole it or hunted them instead. Hatred for his own kind, hatred for whatever force had left them locked in this place to slowly starve to death if they didn't tear each other apart first. He even turned on his brother - kill or be killed. He would not die in this pit. One day, he would get out, and he would never sleep on an empty stomach again. He would take whatever he wanted. He would eat whatever he wanted. The very light that the sun cast down from the sky would be his.
It became a mantra, of sorts. Something to keep him going even during the worst times. When he grew large enough, he could act on it. He staked a claim on his own section of the facility, a space that had at least somewhat fresh water, thanks to a broken pipe, and a ventilation shaft that opened up to the outside world. Fresh, clean air wafted down the shaft from time to time. It made the desire to leave this wretched place even stronger.
He spoke to himself sometimes, just a voice to fill the silence and to remind himself that one day, he would be free. This could not be all that there was for him.
Once, a voice spoke to him in return. A whispery, ghostly voice that drifted down on the wind. At first he thought that he had gone mad - then he decided that he didn't care. He conversed with the voice, learning all that he could about the world outside and promising his strength and protection in return, whenever he was freed. It seemed to please the whispering voice, who returned often to bring him news of the world. The islands. Great storms that had once rolled across the land and brought with them new creatures to hunt and kill and prey upon, all the secrets and hiding places and the great sprawling masses of both islands - yes, both - the hard and powdery water that fell from the sky when the air turned cold. Creatures that swam through the air rather than to walk the earth, creatures that were more at home in the water than they were on the land. His daughters that he had found and had found him, who would help Abel claim the islands and find him when the time was come.
The things that Zenith promised made Abel even hungrier for life outside the walls he was contained within.
When the earth began to shake and crack and crumble, he knew that his time had finally come.
The facility flickered to life. Lights and sounds crackled across the facility where they hadn't before, and a deep, grating rumble came from above. Everyone knew what was happening. They had been released.
Abel waited for the sunlight to fade before he made his way to the now-gaping mouth of the facility that had been his entire life. He finally put a face to the voice that had been keeping him company for so long. Zenith was a small and strange-looking thing, as were his daughters - Ebony and Shrill. They had brought him something. A gift, both as a means of welcoming him and to show him their strength. That they were worthy of his presence. They had killed a member of their own kind to placate him, and watched on as he devoured the flesh.
This was a good start, but he needed more. More strength, more resources. He would never need to squabble in the dirt and dust over something as small and pathetic as a scrawny rat carcass ever again.

Fun Facts:

  • Will attack other albertos on-sight if their paths cross
  • Eats other dinosaurs indiscriminately - has absolutely no problem eating his own kind
  • May permit other "weaker" dinosaurs to join his "family" and offer them protection, provided that they obey his orders and give him something in return
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing