3997: Gwenn

Owned by SollyRaptor

Gwenn has been taught there's reassurance in determination and kindness. She finds comfort in her family and friends and would jump into fights to protect them any day.
She often likes to charge and thrash even if there is no immediate danger. There's nothing against a tussle, a brawl, every so often.

She tends to be a bit awkward around strangers at first, but is happy to make friends and new aquainances all the same.
Carnivores are paid due suspicion, but if they pose no threat and show good behaviour she's happy to give them a chance.

She has a hefty build, well-fed and strong.

Thinks Raze (cryo) is kind and fun to be around even if it was a little odd at first to become buddies with a meat eater.
She pities him and can't believe he's being bullied by his own kin. As a herd animal from a tightly knit family, this seems baffling and sad to her.

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