4890: Piper

Owned by Romishi

Personality: She is is a very friendly and social Cryolophosaurus to everyone and every thing, a very peaceful individual if not a little chaotic occassionally. She would rather be social than fight or hunt, and she will not try to take down prey herself that is bigger than her mouth... unless it's a fish..for some reason. Piper likes to help others and has a huge knowledge of herbs and other ways to do so, even to the point she can use the idea of bandages and splints. Piper likes to teach, and talk, and she always loves to tell stories of her adventures and the places she's seen. She doesn't like too much too quickly, nor too fast of a pace.. let her go slow and enjoy life. Piper doesn't like to fight, but that doesn't mean she won't if backed into a corner with absolutely no other option available to her. While she won't typically participate in a hunt, she still helps plan them and is useful for her ability to judge distance and location along with tracking and her sharp eyes.

Physical Description: 
She looks like a child, she's the size of a child, and she sometimes acts like a child. Piper is small, effected by dwarfism she's somewhere between the size of a juvenile and adolescent Cryolophosaurus. She's easy to bully because of her small size. Piper has bold yellow feathers with a black midline that is shaped like a lightning bolt. She has some minimal black on her in other places, namely her face and her hands and feet. Her feathers are very dense, almost like they are doubled in number from normal Cryolophosaurus feathers. She could almost pass as the teddy bear version of a dinosaur. 

No one knows where Piper came from or why she's here but here she is and here she'll be. Piper just sort of injects herself into people's lives. In all reality Piper came from a large pack that used to use the water collectors on the island as a way to find easy food. There weren't many places where she fit into the pack but she was good at making friends and getting favors. The pack members realized that Piper was good at figuring out herbs and she got situated with their herbalist and was the little apprentice that would get sent out to collect things. Unfortunately Piper's small size and peaceful nature caught up with the little Cryo, things got rough when the storm surge happened.  When a severe system of storms hit the island and absolutely swamped it Piper's pack got shattered. Some of the members passed from incidents, like with the water collectors and landslides, trees falling, mud. Others got sick and there was no treating them. As the storms oppressed the residents of the island strangers became often as they moved to try to endure and the environment was just chaos for some time. 

A some point Piper and a few others got pushed into the Dead City, by water collector or other means,  which wasn't a friendly place at all. Eventually Piper ended up the last of her pack that she knew of, surrounded by nothing but strangers. At first it was a very scary and inhospitable place, but slowly she found her way until eventually being given the new name Piper, after a bright yellow airplane, and she started to make new friends. 

-Lore Member of the Boneyard
-Named after the J-3 Piper "Cub" one of the biggest icons in civil aviation. Over 20,000 Piper Cubs and their varients have been made and have inspired many other aircraft. At one point in a 5 year period over 326,000 pilots were trained with Cubs. J-3 Cubs are a small, 2-person airplane that was affordable, easy to learn, easy to fly, and easy to maintain. They're slow, and can land and take off almost anywhere. Cubs have been used in all sorts of tasks from training to air ambulances, military liasson, mail carrying, and ferrying supplies. All civilian Piper Cubs were built in a single factory in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania and the standard factory paint was a bright yellow with black markings. 

Piper Cub