4896: Fishbones

Owned by Exalaria


Male || He/Him
Build: Slightly Larger than Average

Fishbones has a curiosity about life, finding nature to be particularly interesting. He's always happy to discover a new bug or critter, and will spend hours studying them. He is a pretty friendly fellow, enjoying the company of friends and family and not usually liking to be alone. Growing up with his brother ever-present, it became hard to be alone in silence for extended periods of time.

Bigger than most Pachys, Fishbones has the strength to back it up, too. He doesn't like to flaunt it very much and will usually not accept challenges, fights, or even rough-housing matches because he doesn't want anyone to get hurt. The only exception to this is Rothus, having grown up with him and entertaining his more reckless behavior.

Fishbones likes the sound of the sea, often lulled to sleep by the crashing waves, but he is terrified to go anywhere near it. Instead, he'll enjoy a good rainstorm, often going over to play in the rain or just go for a nice long walk.

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


No Herd

Sharktooth Rothus  
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


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  • Gift writing is allowed