4996: Nox

Owned by Exalaria


Male || He/Him
Build: Huge -- Scrawny

Nox isn't exactly the most sociable type. He tends to prefer solitude and doesn't have many he would call friend, let alone loved ones. That's how he's been even from a young age, and the moment he was able to, he struck out on his own to explore the world and find his place in it.

He has always struggled with his sense of purpose, unsure exactly what he's meant to do or who he's meant to be, and as such he is always searching, both literally and metaphorically. He is nomadic, never staying in one place for too long because it never 'feels right'. Home is where the heart is and all that, but where exactly is his heart? He's still trying to figure that out.

Most creatures shy away from him because of how intimidating he appears, with a pensive and brooding personality that very much shows on the outside,  but really he is incredibly passive by nature. He can get easily annoyed by the presence of others, but he doesn't have the energy or motivation to be violent or aggressive about it. He'll mostly just glare until whoever is irritating him leaves him alone. Honestly, if anyone can get him into a conversation, unlikely as that is, it will generally just be him complaining about one thing or another.

Nox isn't looking for love, but should it find him, who would he be to deny it? He is incredibly antisocial, so finding someone he likes or who likes him is a bit of a far-away reality, but the ideal mate for him would be someone who doesn't talk too much, someone deeply emotional and who can see the gentle, lost soul within him but won't try and fix him. Mostly, he just wants someone who can understand and relate to him on a deeper level.

  • Unknown
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  • Unknown


Nomadic -- No Herd

  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


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