5349: A Riptide across two oceans
A Riptide across two oceans is a hyperactive Para with a desire for exploration. His natural curiosity sometimes land him in dangerous sitiuations. Fortunately Hunter usually is there to save him, whenever it's from a hungry predator or a river with too strong of a current. Hopefully he gains better self preservation upon reaching full adulthood.
As an egg, Riptide got swept away by a high tide from an ill placed nest near the sea. It's a miracle that he didn't sank to the bottom or wasn't eaten by a predator, during his treck across the sea. The egg nestled itself between the reeds of the other island, where Arcane Hunter just happened to pass by. After hatching, Riptide was given a name based off his origin and joined the small herd of now two Para's.
I wonder what the world has in store for the new hatchling?
Credit corner: Stamp 1 3, Stamp 2, Blinker, icons, BG, Dividers
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