610: Akai

Owned by KarasuShade

As an hatchling he was weak and sickly, which cases him to struggle hard in his first few months of life.
It didn't took long for his herd and parents to give up on him, nearly as they were asuming, that he would soon vanish. With his unusual bright color and poor eyesight and a weak body, it was still a big suprice that he somehow managed to survive long enough to grow up with his birth heard until he reached the age of an older Juvenile. Due to a storm he got seperated from his family, while they choose to not wait for one weak young dino, while his healthy siblings needed to be lead to savety.

Since that day, he wanders around, in hope to find his old herd or a new herd. But thanks to his rare, bright color, most herds chase him away and only tolerate him in the distance. It's nearly a wounder, how he manage to survive so long on his own, that he did grow up to be an adult. Due to him not having much social contact with others of his species or friendly herbivores, he struggels a bit with normal behaivor and how to act in a herd. Still, he seems to wish for nothing else, than to being abel to join a herd, which is why he is desperately try to join one.

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