723: Wynnie

Personality Description: Sweet and gentle, Wynnie is a kind soul. Though very large, she is rather shy, and prefers to keep away from large crowds or dinos. Because of this she has no herd, though she will take in any stray herbivorous or omnivorous babies, she generally won’t take in a carnivore- but she will try and make sure they get to safety before she disappears into the tree line. She is often mistaken for a tree, as she hides very well and blends in to her surroundings. She’s a very quiet Theri, hardly ever saying so much as a word, and even then, nothing more than a whisper. Despite her timidness, she very much dislikes being alone, and tries to seek out friendships where she can- though a meaningful and close friendship (or more) with her would take time and an incredible amount of patience. Once close, however, she is an absolute cuddle bug and enjoys both talking with and listening to them. She is a great support, and her children will often come back to her just to ask for advice, vent, or be loved on. Sometimes all three.

Physical Description: tall and very long, she is mostly neck and tail and very little body. She is incredibly fluffy and very soft and plush. Under all those feathers, though, she is fairly lean and trim, though somewhat toned as she often wanders far to try and find lost hatchlings and good food. Her feathers make up a good part of her weight.

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