778: Tyche
Nicknames: Marblehearted, Lady Luck
Personality Description: Her nicknames depend on whether you're on her good or bad side- stray too far away from her good graces, and you'd best see her as a marblehearted fiend, because she won't hesitate to kill you. If you've somehow stayed in her favours, you might find your life taking a turn for the better. depending on her mood, that is.
Extract from the Virtues of Knighthood: Justice
"Tyche was wrong. The longer she knew the hen the more she was sure of the fact. Her mind was twisted, as if it had been broken in her youth and reshaped into something a little more jagged on the edges that cut and tore at those around her.
Sharpclaws may have been brutally efficient hunters, but like the rest of the island, they had their own code, their own laws, their own Law, if what they spoke about was to be believed. They had rules they were supposed to follow, codes for conduct and how to live with one another. They were units, families born and raised together and in such sync they appeared as one. Malconire and her kin had those same rules as Bolha had taught her, and she also knew, from snippets of stilted conversation with Tyche’s daughters, that Tyche had been thrown out of her last pack for her violations of those rules. The given laws of the sharpclaws had been disregarded under her impulses, and it had led to death within her flock. Summarily, the boss pair had thrown her out with the promise of death if she returned, which is why she slunk her way across the island to find her way here.
Malconire knew about curses more than most, knew about the breaking of the conventions of your kin, but there were some rules you didn't break. And when Tyche crowed about how her old flock had come under her heel with violence, about how she slaughtered the offspring of her competitors without regard for age or threat, Malconire knew Tyche was beholden to nothing."
Physical Description: toned, lean and wiry. long neck and extremely smooth scales like a snake's skin, often almost opalescent in sunlight. she takes great pride in their cleanliness, but not to the point of overwhelming vanity. tail tapers to whip thin and is often used to blind her adversaries.
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