794: Branch

Owned by Pachirisupaw

Branch is a magnet for trouble to put it lightly. Even after hatching alone in an abandoned nest, wondering where her family could've gone wasn't a priority, exploring the world around her was far more interesting. But because of her lonely start in life Branch is lacking in a few social skills. She has no concept of personal space or tact, is overly curious, learns via experience rather than being told, and looks for any excuse to make a nuisance of herself. While at first glance she may seem friendly and naive should you manage to offend or hurt her, Branch is not afraid to bite in retaliation and demand an apology. Branch has the potential to become a skilled scout should she ever choose to pursue such a role, she's fast and always pays attention to her surroundings as there could be all sorts of interesting trinkets lying about just waiting for her to snatch up.

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