Status: Irradiation: Acute
831: Linette

Linette is a very stunted female utahraptor, her mother dumped her near a river and never returned. Eshe (cryolophosaurus) located the small raptor when she wouldn't stop chirping for food. Eshe raised her until she was an adolecent, Linette quickly grew rebelious at this stage and began to pressure her adoptive family and try to get into scraps for dominance. Eshe wouldn't take it and eventually forced Linette away from her, and Linette left.

Linette is a playful bully to anything she can, being small she is quick on her feet and has speed where others have weight. Mostly just nipping and playing with them, she has caused herds to stampede on more then one occasion ruining others hunts, her own typical hunting tatics are to get onto her preys back and wear it out.

Despite being a typically lone predator Linette will not turn away a hatchling if they try to eat with her when she has a meal and has given up entire prey items to hatchlings of other species, especially if their alone.|

Linette discovered the shipyard while exploring Isla Kela when the underground tunnel was opened up. She quickly located some abandoned cities and traveled through the desert but found herself in a shipyard and made it her home.
Linette would go on to have a few brief relationships, some very toxic, others not. 

Linette is very close and protective of her own children, finally understanding Eshe's protectiveness of her. Linette never does see Eshe again.

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