Summer Updates
Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by TokkayHere Comes the Sun ♫
It's summer time in Primeval Age! That means that the Summer Market is now open for business and will remain open until September 1st.
From now until September, you can also earn bananas while completing activities! Trade them in to Sidian at the Summer Market in exchange for some limited-time-only minimal markings and backgrounds- including two NEW backgrounds!
Bay Watch is now available for your aerial dinosaurs to smell the sea spray and admire the bay from the skies! Aquatic dinosaurs can venture into the Kelp Forest to experience the color and vibrancy of life in this undersea jungle. Visit Sidian to get ahold of them!
Seasonal Quests
Those of you that follow our development on discord may have already heard this news!
Monthly quests are no more - instead, we have transitioned this system over to Seasonal Quests, which will run for 3 months at a time (the duration of the season). They also have slightly lowered requirements, needing only 2 background elements or 800 words for literature, to match the new activity requirements coming soon with our activity overhaul.
Seasonal Quests will offer 3 unique prompts that will retire once the season is over. Same as monthlies, each dinosaur may only complete 1 seasonal prompt per season, so you'll have to choose which prompt you want to use for each import. Seasonal quests offer slightly boosted rates for seasonal currency and will now drop season-specific materials! These materials are not exclusive to seasonal prompts and are available in normal activities as well.
Check out our Summer Seasonal Quests and complete them to earn a Prized Tooth award!
Calling All Gamers
We've set up a gaming discord server for the Primeval Age community and friends!
We wanted to create a chill and friendly space for people to talk about games and find others to play with. This server is open to all PA members as well as any friends you'd like to invite! Being a member of PA is not a requirement to use the server.
Along with some general channels, we've set up spaces for Ark, Path of Titans, and Minecraft! We'll be adding more areas for different games depending on what people are interested in. We currently plan to set up an Ark server and a Minecraft server, so if you are interested in either of those, feel free to join in and let us know what kind of settings/mods/etc. you like!
We also hope to have som fun games night events for group games like Among Us and Path of Titans!
Click here to join!
Other Updates
You now have the ability to cancel/withdraw your pending design submissions! This means that if you submit your import for approval, but change your mind or need to fix something after, you can navigate into the pending submissions and cancel it to take it back to the draft stage. You no longer need to contact Staff to do this!
Additonally, we've made a bunch of marking updates! There are a lot of individial pages that received updates, but to highlight the main points:
- Dorsal and Roan have both been updated with new hom. ranges
- Mimic rules have been removed for several markings
- Several markings had small updates/adjustments made to rules/wording
- Many markings received updated examples
Our next big focus area is on the activity overhaul, which we hope to roll out and let users begin testing soon!
We hope you enjoy these new things and updates! Have some fun in the sun ☼