Submission (#10971) Approved

26 April 2024, 19:39:09 UTC (9 months ago)
28 April 2024, 04:40:12 UTC (9 months ago) by WesternHaunt
Mincemeat could feel someone following her as she walked. It could be dangerous, especially considering she'd accidentally walked herself into a path with only one way out. Turning on her heel to face the assailant, the river and warehouse to her sides a blur of motion, Mince found... nothing. At least, until an alarmed squeak made her look down to find a small anteo (top panel), just barely a day or two old, toddling after her. With no parents around, and Mince the first thing the little anteo had seen, it was no wonder it immediately imprinted on her like that... Not having the heart to attack the infant, let alone leave it to it's fate, Mince resigned her fate as a new mother and began to walk with her new son, Moose.
Artwork by Pun <33
Reward Amount
Slug 1
Relic Bones 20
Down Feathers 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
3483: Moose

3483: Moose

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.