Submission (#11777) Approved

10 July 2024, 01:34:55 UTC (2 months ago)
12 July 2024, 14:08:22 UTC (2 months ago) by WrenBaile
Like most young carnos, Hermes too had eventually left his family and set off in search of lands to call his own. At some point, he even ran into a fellow carno during his searches! However, rather than a potential ally and packmate, the larger female before him was more keen on painting the grass red. This was HER territory, and she wasn't about to share it with some arrogant young buck... Hopefully Hermes can think quick, being knocked on his ass is about to be the least of his worries...

Artwork by AberrantKapro <33
Reward Amount
Scrap Metal 1
Relic Bones 10
Bananas 2
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
5065: Agatha

5065: Agatha

No rewards set.

4985: Hermes

4985: Hermes

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.