Submission (#12484) Approved

13 October 2024, 01:58:59 UTC (3 months ago)
14 October 2024, 20:59:47 UTC (3 months ago) by WesternHaunt
Employee took Blitz along to scope out some prime real estate-- I mean some of the abandoned upwalker ruins in search of the shop keeps lost relics. Blitz certainly found SOMETHING, but its usefulness is... up for debate. Especially since neither of them can read the messages left by said upwalkers. If you ask me, I think Employee is just upset that Blitz went and made a mess in his new office...

Collab w/ Archaos! They did the bg and I did the dinos <33

Colored - 3 exp
Shaded - 3 exp
BG - 5 exp

Event bonus - 1 exp
Personal dino bonus - 1 exp
Other members dino - 1 exp

Total = 14 exp
Reward Amount
Map Shred 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

15 character EXP
No bonus character points
3766: Blitz

3766: Blitz

Reward Amount
Ripe Trashbag (Items) 1
Seeds (Items) 1
5503: Employee

5503: Employee

No rewards set.