Submission (#1419) Approved

6 January 2023, 16:22:12 UTC (2 years ago)
8 January 2023, 04:50:59 UTC (2 years ago) by WesternHaunt
1. Remember back then... (Left image)
Ender liked snow, he always did.
Cold, silent, yet soft and cheerful - all traits are unique for Ender. Which gives him a reason to leave a herd for a while and enjoy some lone-time in the forest.
"Can I join?" a sudden young voice asked him a question. Ender glanced at young sucho "Fanrir, what are you doing here?" he asked calmly: "You should return back, this place is not for young dinosaurs, like you", Fanrir just stood there, waving his tail "I know, but i'm with YOUUU, right? Right! Besides, it reminds me of our first meeting!" Ender was listening and slowly lied down, Fanrir put his talons on Ender's arm "I was small and young, You uuhhh...don't remember, BUT I remember you, you were in the quite same forest, oh and it was winter too!...".
There it was, Ender's silent time was just destroyed by a young sucho-pumpkin-gator kid...
...He grew up a bit...
Reward Amount
Twig 1
Relic Bones 10
Icicles 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

12 character EXP
No bonus character points
2377: Ender

2377: Ender

No rewards set.

2447: Fanrir

2447: Fanrir

No rewards set.