Submission (#14228) Approved

24 February 2025, 06:57:27 UTC (4 days ago)
26 February 2025, 21:04:46 UTC (2 days ago) by WrenBaile
Triple submission for the atopo gals! Two of mine, the third is SollyRaptor's. Haize is just extra, not a focus character, as she already got her own submission

participants: me, SollyRaptor (art by me)

Exp (same for both of mine)
colored: 3
shaded: 3
background: 5

personal dino: 3
other user's dino: 1

total: 15
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

30 character EXP
No bonus character points
5514: Aquamarine

5514: Aquamarine

Reward Amount
Branch (Items) 1
Acer Saccharum Sample (Awards) 1
Relic Bones (User-only Currencies) 20
Icicles (User-only Currencies) 2
3372: Haize

3372: Haize

No rewards set.

5709: Leeta

5709: Leeta

Reward Amount
Mr. Snuggles (Items) 2
Acer Saccharum Sample (Awards) 1
Relic Bones (User-only Currencies) 15
Icicles (User-only Currencies) 2
5088: Paddle

5088: Paddle

No rewards set.