Submission (#2692) Approved

10 April 2023, 01:54:16 UTC (1 year ago)
11 April 2023, 23:30:10 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Ruaidhri never really knew his father, as such he'd grown incredibly close with the one parent he had: his mother Tempest. She had her moments of dealing tough love like any parent, but it was all in an effort to raise her baby to be prepared for a much harsher world outside the nest. Despite this, Ruai was never chased away or given a moment of hesitation toward her, no if anything his love for his mother remained as steadfast as a statue in the face of an oncoming storm. Perhaps it was these moments of harshness that always made moments of gentle bonding taste so much sweeter, though none could ever truly beat out the sweetness and comfort that came from stargazing with his mother. Stars once thought to be far beyond what would ever be conceivable would glisten all around them as the pair drifted aimlessly, little claws able to grasp the impossible as their light reflected in the inky darkness of the swamp edge waters. As Tempest would point out constellations high above, her voice filling the air with a gentle warmth, Ruai couldn't help but stare in complete awe at the splendor of it all.

Artwork by the lovely Haunted-Dark-Umbreon <33
Reward Amount
Rock 1
Twig 1
Relic Bones 10
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
1167: Tulremia

1167: Tulremia

No rewards set.

2890: Ruaidhri

2890: Ruaidhri

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.