Submission (#2789) Approved

13 April 2023, 03:43:36 UTC (1 year ago)
13 April 2023, 05:26:19 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Dorian meets Nephthy's kid Rauchin! Old man's just trying to enjoy his breakfast, but unfortunately, Rauchin has the same idea...
Not sure whether y'all would rather have the link to the google doc or the piece of lit on DA/AO3 but uhhh here we are wheezes
Words - 1,579
Reward Amount
Weed 1
Rock 1
Relic Bones 45
Down Feathers 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

14 character EXP
No bonus character points
2438: Rauchin Shedim

2438: Rauchin Shedim

No rewards set.

3183: Dorian

3183: Dorian

No rewards set.