Submission (#2825) Approved

14 April 2023, 15:52:29 UTC (1 year ago)
7 May 2023, 23:44:45 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
(Description from DA, for possibly easier reading/organizing)

In the scrublands of the arid Isla Pera, a small basin of painted desert spans the space between sparse foliage. In its midst, lays an oasis, towered over by arching towers of rock that have come to be called “Mother and Son.” They first received this name for the resemblance they share to a mother sauropod and her calf, but they have come to mean more than that since their discovery. It has become a sanctuary; not just for weary travelers or migrating prey, but for those at a turning point in life. Many a final goodbye and a first greeting have taken place here, by herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore alike. This place is a place of refuge for those in need of care and protection- it’s not uncommon to find little ones with no guardians here. Since it is well protected from the elements, and there is both cover and food easily accessible, it’s often a place where lost ones gather, parents leave their hatchlings to be safe while they hunt or forage, or those who are on the run or otherwise unable to keep their youngsters leave them for more capable guardians (or to fend for themselves.) Among other traditions and superstitions, just as many instances of parting ways happen here as do new beginnings. Mothers (or parents) will bring their fully grown children here to say their goodbyes and wish them well in life. More.. final.. farewells also take place here. In such a place of peace, the elderly or the unfortunate can be mourned without interruption before they help others on their journey onward.

Whatever the use of this place was, is, or will be, till the end of time- majestic shall stand Mother and Son.
Reward Amount
Weed 1
Gull Feather 1
Rock 1
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No bonus character points
1619: Saaras

1619: Saaras

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