Submission (#3139) Approved

5 May 2023, 18:07:15 UTC (1 year ago)
6 May 2023, 14:58:10 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Aging Quest 1/3 for 2797
Parental figure is 906

"It was a well known route and frequented by the members of the group due to how remote and quiet it is during twilight. But this may not always be the case. A large neighbor is perilously close and it's up to Rosie to keep trespassers at bay. The shock of the moment and the matriarch's bravery surprises Ealdreith, Abba and Firth at such a young age."
Reward Amount
Rock 1
Relic Bones 15
Down Feathers 3
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

17.5 character EXP
No bonus character points
906: Rosie

906: Rosie

No rewards set.

2103: Ghost

2103: Ghost

No rewards set.

1008: Firth

1008: Firth

No rewards set.

2385: Abattoir

2385: Abattoir

No rewards set.

2797: Ealdreith

2797: Ealdreith

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.