Submission (#4045) Approved

2 July 2023, 22:04:27 UTC (1 year ago)
5 July 2023, 00:01:16 UTC (1 year ago) by ABeardedDragon
Food could be hard to come across at times, meaning survival meant eating something perhaps you may not be fond of in order not to starve. The taste of slimy, salty algae in combination with the rough, warty texture of the fog made Duck's (right panel) stomach churn in protest... But honestly? He was just happy to have finally found something to eat-- even if it was already dead. Just grin and bear it, that's all he had to do. At least so he told himself... Tossing his head back, Duck fought the urge to gag as the disgusting concoction slid down the back of his throat and settled uneasily into his stomach. Now came the hardest part: keeping it down. Just grin and bear it.
Artwork by the lovely Cronchlord <3

Edit - fixed the description to specify the frog was already dead, and that he'd swallowed it
Reward Amount
Scrap Metal 1
Dog Food 2
Relic Bones 40
Bananas 2
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
3036: Oswald (Duck)

3036: Oswald (Duck)

No rewards set.