Submission (#4085) Approved

7 July 2023, 04:00:59 UTC (1 year ago)
7 July 2023, 20:11:22 UTC (1 year ago) by flickermouse
Camouflage is very useful in catching fast prey. Harper's (second panel) naturally pale plumage allows her to finally get the jump on a large hare, even managing to catch it after a brief chase!
Artwork by the lovely Dam-Egg <33
Reward Amount
Twine 1
Relic Bones 20
Bananas 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
681: Snow Bird ☆

681: Snow Bird ☆

No rewards set.

3175: Harper

3175: Harper

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.