Submission (#4626) Approved

28 August 2023, 20:53:47 UTC (1 year ago)
3 September 2023, 08:53:35 UTC (1 year ago) by flickermouse
Panel 1

(If recognizability is still an issue- I’m very sorry, but there’s nothing I can really do. For whatever reason it won’t show up when I put his markings on and he doesn’t really have any effect layers over him, so idk what else I can do)

Ok, I put straight white on with a luminance effect and for whatever reason that actually showed up where just a few points off that didn’t lol. Hopefully this is ok now..!
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 20
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

13 character EXP
No bonus character points
1619: Saaras

1619: Saaras

Reward Amount
Mrs. Snuggles (Items) 1
Quail (Items) 1
Squash (Items) 1