Submission (#4689) Approved

30 August 2023, 11:08:55 UTC (1 year ago)
31 August 2023, 01:56:17 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Following the prompt of "Into the Unknown" from the Doomsday event. Portraying Jaws, Seafoam, Wetdog, Jewel and Riptide

The family had never been in this side of the island, and with an enormous wall of fire dividing the ocean and keeping them appart from their home, there were not a lot of options besides try to explore this strange place and find a place to settle down for a bit, till they could come back to see what survived. They went into a half collapsed cave, looking for some refuge from the ashes that were starting to rain from the darkened sky and Muskie and Oilslick decided to explore, just in case some other predator had crossed to this side of the island running from the fire. Determined to run it off and away from their little siblings.
Can't take any chances. But the rest of the family was left alone without the muscle, and everything stared to turn spooky really fast, every shadow seemed to move on the corner of their eyes, dripping sound from old pipes even started to sound like cautionous steps.
"What was that" Dog asked with every hair in the back of his neck standing up.
"What was what, there's nothing there" Foam seemed sure of herself, but couldn't help shooting a glance at the little ones, with Jewel pushing herself on her tip toes to see over the deceased metal machines.
"No, there" He insisted.
But the rest couldn't tell anything appart from the shadows.
Reward Amount
Helipad Ticket 1
Relic Bones 25
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

18 character EXP
No bonus character points
1916: Wetdog

1916: Wetdog

Reward Amount
Twine (Items) 1
Squash (Items) 1