Submission (#4692) Approved

30 August 2023, 13:44:16 UTC (1 year ago)
31 August 2023, 01:58:41 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Aging quest 2 of 3 for Orvar following the prompt of Stronger than You

Orvar grew almost as a scavenger, following her father, feeding off his carnages. He didn't care for her, he didn't even want her near him. So she spend a lot of time alone, stalking and tracking his steps.
She was fascinated by the figure that she saw, always walking away unbothered, leaving hell behind himself. She explored the aftermaths as if it was a playground.
But it wasn't always fun and games, it almost never was. Ares didn't want her, and just catching scent of her would explode into a fight.
And the fight would escalate.
And at some point all Orvar could do was hide in the tinniest spot she could find, where her father couldn't reach to her and hope he will eventually get bored and leave. Sometimes the siege would last for days, waiting for her to try to get out for food or water... And being a stubborn teenager can only take you so far.
Besides, Orvar was growing, and the holes that fitted her weren't small enough anymore to hold the rage of her father.
She knew she couldn't stand a fight to him, and after one last fight started, she could see her fate ending between the jaws and teeth of her dad. It was the first time she took the choice to turn around.
She wasn't strong enough. The survival instincts kicked in.
And she left with the tail between her legs, running. With the feeling of his breath chasing behind her.
But when her legs couldn't run any longer and she turned around, there were nothing. Just light.
Reward Amount
Reeds 1
Relic Bones 15
Bananas 1
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

13.5 character EXP
No bonus character points
2714: Orvar

2714: Orvar

No rewards set.

This is an aging quest.