Submission (#5118) Approved

9 September 2023, 20:51:43 UTC (1 year ago)
9 September 2023, 21:03:52 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Bessy (right panel) had never truly been to the river before. To say it was different from her farmstead home was an understatement to say the utter least. It smelled… earthy in a way, pleasant, like the way the ground does after a rainstorm, even carrying the same cool air. The only thing that made her detest the trip? Sand…. God the SAND…
Art by Coalthehellhound <3
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

11 character EXP
No bonus character points
3035: Bessy

3035: Bessy

Reward Amount
Mr. Snuggles (Items) 1
Weed (Items) 1