Submission (#5383) Approved

16 September 2023, 21:47:28 UTC (1 year ago)
17 September 2023, 16:50:34 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
A page for the sake of comparison:

Wordcount: 1542 (1514 without the extra stuff)

All side dinos mentioned are owned by me

NOTICE: The Report style of the work is not intended to imply the presence of humans. It is intended to be 'report' of a player to the mod team (purely in an out of world way)

Estimated EXP count: 13 (11 on wordcount + 1 for personal dino + 1 for event quest)

Quick vocabulary of terms for ease of understanding:
-Hart - Male Cryolophosaurus
-Sow - Female Styracosaurus
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

13 character EXP
No bonus character points
58: Woody Hemlock

58: Woody Hemlock

Reward Amount
Towel (Items) 1
Squash (Items) 1