Submission (#579) Approved

13 November 2022, 20:15:41 UTC (1 year ago)
11 December 2022, 20:23:17 UTC (1 year ago) by WesternHaunt
Soooo there goes another entry for this month's prompts, I actually I'm quite enjoying these, and once again a bit of writting to get the mood:

Isha's not new to the idea of defending her food, but lately it had been more of an issue to the point she hasn't been able to finish a whole meal in days. When they hunt in groups, it's a little better as one of them can keep the stupid sky-darts on the line while the other eats but as soon as she started the hunt, she could already see the shadows proyected at her feet from high above. Their eyes watching from the sky, waiting for her to take down a good enough prize so they could steal it. And lately they had seen to be growing in numbers considerably, sky darts of all sizes and shapes, banding together with birds and vultures, and they weren't the only ones thriving- Some of the creatures roaming the island, she had never even imagined could exist! Some of them even looked like the nightmarish monsters her brother used to talk about.
Times were definitely changing, utahs were no longer the top predators around, she felt like their time was fading away in the horizont like the sun after a long day and it wouldn't be as scary if it wasn't for the little faces that waited for her back home, her loved partner, her kids, her damned family. She needed to make it right for them, to fight for them and their right to make a life out of this damned island. What were they going to do otherwise? She didn't know anything else, the island can only be home to so many, the only option she had left was persevere.
Find the prey. Bring the meat home.
Keep growing.
Stand your ground.
Be strong. Be as strong as they believe you are.
Find a way.
Reward Amount
Gull Feather 2
Relic Bones 10
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

No bonus character EXP
No bonus character points
72: Nymr

72: Nymr

No rewards set.

2819: Pipaluk

2819: Pipaluk

No rewards set.

2682: Redd

2682: Redd

No rewards set.

92: Isha

92: Isha

No rewards set.

2849: Rattler

2849: Rattler

No rewards set.

2848: Grosbeak

2848: Grosbeak

No rewards set.

1939: Rackham

1939: Rackham

No rewards set.