Submission (#6203) Approved

10 October 2023, 20:52:06 UTC (11 months ago)
15 October 2023, 17:55:29 UTC (11 months ago) by WesternHaunt
Look at her, seeing only friends. Ah, to be a brainless fluffball happy to see everyone. There’s not a thought between those eyes.

(Please refer to above comment, but I’ll expand on it further)

Pakwa Bara doesn’t particularly know that the huge Acrocanthosaurus’ are -blocking- the way forward, she’s just wondering if this big new ‘friend’ is going to show her the way like Bacon Bits did. She just strolled up to the first new face on the floor and tried to be friendly.

“She is wondering if this big new friend will show her the way like Bacon Bits did” Pakwa Bara is trying to make friends with Viceroy like she did with Bacon Bits, hoping she’ll lead her onwards like the far more friendly Albertosaurus’ did. She’s too fluff-for-brains to perceive the danger, but knows other ‘tall toothy-s’ were nice before so she just figures it’ll be the same this time. Viceroy is confused by the fearless friendly fluff and hasn’t quite made up her mind about what to think of the little thing yet.

Imagine some kind of dialogue like

P: “Hi hi! New friend! What’s your name? Are you gonna show me cool thingys like Backn Bits? He’s my friend. I don’t know if you met him. He’s big! Not as big as you… but way bigger than me! I just came from a big pretty forest, there were so many mushrooms! And they were so big! Bigger than me! Everything’s bigger than me, but I mean like these were big! REALLY big!! And-“

V: (thinking to herself) ‘what is this little fluffball..? It’s like she doesn’t even know I could eat her in one bite- gosh how is she still going?’
Reward Amount
Relic Bones 25
Bonus Rewards

Character Rewards

14 character EXP
No bonus character points
3236: Pakwa Bara

3236: Pakwa Bara

Reward Amount
Notebook (Items) 1
Towel (Items) 1
Acrocanthosaurus Egg (Items) 1
Squash (Items) 1